Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Motor Skills Acquisition in the First Year by Lois Bly, MA, PT

Motor Skills Acquisition in the First Year
Achieve a greater understanding of normal development with Lois Bly's illustrated guide Use this comprehensive resource to detect the development of different motor skills during the first year of life. Discover how specific motor components build the foundation for babies to achieve developmental milestones. You'll find that the progression of skills is clearly illustrated by remarkable photographs. Noted physical therapist Lois Bly clarifies the difference between normal variations and pathology. Follow the monthly progression that's enhanced by 300 photographs. You'll find an informative discussion that includes an overview and specific developmental characteristics. The detailed photographs illustrate motor development occurring in these positions supine, prone, sidelying, standing, and walking.

Please click here to order: Motor Skills Acquisition in the 1st year


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