Sunday, December 19, 2010

8 Weeks NDT Certificate Course with Lois Bly, 2011

The NDT/Bobath Certificate Course in the Treatment and Management of Children with
Cerebral Palsy and other Neuromotor Disorders

This course is offered with the collaborative support of
Scottsdale Fiesta Pediatric Therapy and Scottsdale Healthcare.

Lois Bly, MA, PT, CI, C/NDT
Colleen Carey, MA, PT, C/NDT
Therese McDermott, CCC, SLP, C/NDT
Gail Ritchie, OTR, C/NDT
Kathleen Ganley, PT, PhD NeuroScience Instructor

This faculty has extensive experience in the use of an NDT philosophy in hospital, private practice and school settings.

May 9 -14, 2011
June 16-18 and 21-25, 2011
August 4-6 and 9-13, 2011
September 8-10 and 13-17, 2011
October 18-22, 2011

Scottsdale Healthcare
9003 E Shea Blvd
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

Debbie Hines, MA, OTR/L
KidzSPOT Pediatric Therapy
5040 E. Shea Blvd. #168
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone: 480-483-1025

Course Information Download (PDF)