Tuesday, August 29, 2006


The certification course in Neuro-Developmental Treatment is one of the longest post-graduate courses currently offered to profession­als in the fields of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech pathology. It is an intensive training course comprising both theoretical and practical constructs developed by Dr. and Mrs. Karel Bobath, and conforms to the standards established by the North American NDTA, Inc.

The Eight Week Basic NDT-Bobath Course currently being held in Meadowbrook, PA is taught by a team of professionals. A certified NDTA Coordinator-Instructor, Lois Bly is the primary instructor of this course . She is assisted by other NDTA certified instructors including Therese McDermott, Gail Ritchie and Kathleen Ganley. In addition, NDT certified instructor candidtates Colleen Carey and MaryRose Franjoine, as well as NDT certified therapists Mina Bapat, Emily Hull, and Lisa Glasneer are helping with lab, practicums and special lectures.

Speech therapists, physical therapists and occupational therapists from all areas of the country are here including therapists from Canada, Bermuda, California, New York, and Florida. These therapists represent therapist committed to enhancing their skills as therapists as they learn techniques and interventions for children with Cerebral Palsy .


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